Data Brief - Doorstep Canvassing - Voter ID
20th April to 2nd May - calling on all our potential supporters to get their Voter ID
Key steps in setting up your canvassing. Be in the "My Voters" database on Connect.
Create your list
- District - select your local authority and target ward(s)
- Questions - "2021 Action: Mar/Apr 21 doorstep" and pick groups 1 to 7 (see pic, right ->)
- Householding: Add a Householding Step - Fill Household by Voting Address. This will add other people in the same household.
- Remove recent canvass contacts e.g. phone or door knocking done in the past month.
Run search and create turfs for each canvasser
- Typically you'll want about 40 - 50 houses in each turf. That's about right for one person for a couple of hours.
- Canvassers can't work in pairs or "run a board" under the current safety protocol. It's a good idea for canvassers to work opposite sides of a road ... keeping in eye contacts ... but have their own lists (odds and evens?) and use their own devices.
Send turf to MiniVAN canvasser
- From the main menu, in the Canvassing section, click "Turfs". Check the box to the left of the turf you want to work on.
- Optional : If you wish, use the drop down at the right to "Edit Turf" and given it a more meaningful name, e.g. "Tuesday.
- Click the "Quick Actions" drop down - choose "Generate List Number". Pick the report format "9 - London 2021 GOTV" and accept all the other settings then click the blue button "Generate List Number" to complete the step. Make a note of the resulting list number so you can share it with canvassers e.g. via a WhatsApp group.
- Alternatively, to send the data directly to MiniVAN users, select the turf and click the "Quick Actions" drop down - choose "Send to MiniVAN". Select the MiiniVAN Campaign called "2021 London GOTV" and you may want to choose a list name (e.g. "Butler Street GOTV"). You may select multiple canvassers from your Party Organisation and click finish to send the data to all of those users' devices at once. (But keep a note of the list number for any helpers who come along later).
Top Tips
- In MiniVAN remember to "Choose a Database" and select "My Voters".
- Sync the data from time to time.
- Back in Connect, you or one of the team need to "Commit" the data to store the results.
London 2021 Canvass Briefing
LDHQ Guides
For canvassers - intro to MiniVAN