Stronger economy
Our economy is lagging.
London’s economy has suffered in the wake of Brexit. Productivity has stalled. The city is still struggling from the impact of the pandemic. Under Khan, our night-time economy and growth has collapsed.
My plan of action
I will pump life into London’s economy: upskilling our people, supporting our night-time economy and powering growth.

My pledge to you
As Liberal Democrat Mayor, I will focus on:
- Be a champion for London’s role at the heart of Europe
- Transform our night-time economy with a real expert in charge of the brief
- Work with councils and businesses to harness the benefits of new technology and innovation
This means:
- Pilot a London Apprenticeships Hub to offer technical support to businesses to
help unlock more apprenticeships and create a platform for young Londoners to find those opportunities for skills training and work. - Pilot a London Erasmus-style programme for young people across the capital.
- Boost London's startup tech companies by working to make the Postcode Address file free.
- Campaign for greater devolution including fiscal devolution to London.
- Support London being first in the queue to trial a Guaranteed Basic Income.
- Working to scrap Business Rates for high street businesses, supporting them to thrive once again.